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ARK recently completed a large scale 8000m2 industrial refurbishment for Visy located in Alexandria, NSW. The purpose of the facility was to change use from a warehouse to a waste management/resource facility. This was a part of the NSW Government Covid- 19 Fast Track planning initiative.


This project was a complete refurbishment of an existing warehouse including roofing, structural steel strengthening to warehouse, new state of the art ventilation system, fire sprinklers and fire protection measures as well as the extension of substructures and concrete works.


It was a complex refurbishment that had many moving parts from numerous heavy machinery on-site at one time, substantial structural remediation and upgrade works and weather delays, however, our team worked hard to ensure key milestones were met and project delivery was achieved meeting programming needs.


We provided an accelerated program to ensure that any obstacles, i.e. weather ground conditions, remediation works were carried out without a major impact on the completion date and achieving major milestones to allow the client to set-up the site whilst and begin operations as soon as practical completion was achieved.

Size: 8000sqm

Status: Completed 2020

Duration: 6 Month Program

Contract: Construct Only

Value Range: $7.5 Million

Client: Visy

Sector: Industrial

VISY Alexandria - New Front Exterior


The project was carried out to resolve the issue of the building footing after undergoing heavy soil erosion. Repairs to Footing underpinning. Implemented new concrete substructure to the subject area to underpin the brickwork and re-support the structure at the affected location and ensure structural integrity. Existing ground pavers and ground cover partially removed.  Consultant: Northrop

Size: N/A

Status: Completed

Duration: N/A

Contract: Construct only

Value Range: N/A

Client: Zip Industries

Type: Remedial



This subdivision is located in the Hornsby Shire region of NSW. The current site comprises of an existing childcare centre and residential dwelling which will be subdivided further to create a small residential estate adjacent to the childcare centre.

Size: N/A

Status: Under Construction

Duration: 3 Month Program

Contract: Construct only

Value Range: 

Client: Private

Type: Childcare/Residential



ARK were engaged to complete a Fit-out and refurbishment of one of the worlds leading digital printing companies. The client wanted to ensure their tenant was workspace aesthetics were improved for a more functional office space. 

Size: N/A

Status: Completed 2021

Duration: 3 Month Program

Contract: Construct only

Value Range: 

Client: APPF

Type: Commercial/Industrial

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Condell Park

ARK have carried out ongoing works at Zip Industries over the past 5 years.

– Engineering office – Complete fit-out & refurbishment

– Conference and lunch/staff room

– Roof purlin and asbestos removal

– Structural remedial works & removal of concrete cancer

– Office building demolition/ extension of hardstand and awing

Size: N/A

Status: Ongoing

Duration: Variable

Contract: Design and Construct

Value Range: Variable

Client: Zip Industries

Sector: Commercial/Industrial



Childcare Facility  –  Set in the heart of the Parramatta CBD, this is a large technical refurbishment and a new extension of a church/community centre.  The project involves creating a separate tenancy within the estate and the construction of a two-storey structure with provisions for future expansion of that tenancy. It has a mix of concrete structures as well as composite external cladding, concrete roofing and a high-quality childcare fit-out.


For more Child Care Centre projects please view our Child Care division website CCS.

Size: 84 Place

Status: Completed 2019/2020

Duration: 6 Month Program

Contract: Construct Only 

Value Range: $1.5 to $3.0 Million

Client: Guardian Childcare & Education

Sector: Education

Parramatta Project - Front Exterior


ARK was engaged by Komatsu a multi-national corporation that manufactures construction, mining and forestry and military equipment. ARK completed the office reconfiguration and conversion of meeting rooms into office spaces and acoustic treatment throughout the office located in Faifield.

Size: Variable

Status: Ongoing

Duration: Variable

Contract: Construct Only

Value: Variable

Client: Komatsu

Sector: Commerical/Industrial
